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Modernize the online nutrition education experience for staff and participants alike with ONE!


Gone are the days of manually tracking secondary nutrition education completion or entering data in multiple places. Reporting and MIS Integration features within ONE streamline secondary nutrition education completion and benefit issuance, saving staff time and enhancing the user experience. ONE users love that the reports within ONE assist with their strategies for future nutrition goals, objectives and action plans.​

Reporting Value

ONE’s reporting features make staff’s job easier and more efficient! Here’s how:


Daily users: ONE’s reporting features allow daily users to track participant or client usage of ONE, providing valuable information for benefit issuance. Daily users of ONE love that they can use ONE to reference and assist with their charting during or after a full, busy clinic day.


Administrative staff: Administrative staff can use reports to track usage of ONE at a single site or multiple site level. ONE’s latest features include functionality that allows the clinic staff and administrator to export report data to Excel, so that they can efficiently review data and create additional reports in Excel.


MIS Integration

ONE's flexible platform and reporting systems seamlessly integrates with MIS systems, saving staff time while ensuring accurate data is easily accessible.


MIS system integration allows information such as ONE lesson completion data and nutrition education shared through ONE to be securely and automatically recorded in the client's record inside your MIS system. ONE's integration was designed to be a pull system, where your MIS system "pulls" information from the ONE rather than ONE "pushing" data to your MIS system. A pull system, by design, mitigates the most data security risk and is the preferred method for secure data transfer.


Data Security

ONE is a safe and secure site. The platform employs numerous security measures at multiple levels to control access and ensure the integrity of its data. The ONE platform collects and stores as little personally identifiable information as possible, and does not collect or store any medical information.


The ONE platform exists and operates entirely within AWS - Amazon Web Services cloud infrastructure, which meets the criteria for HIPAA eligibility and can process regulated protected health information (PHI).

Connect with us to learn how you can pilot ONE!

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Designed to keep current and future ONE staff users up to date on the latest features!

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Nutrition Matters, Inc.

316 North Barstow Street, Suite I

Eau Claire, WI 54703

Call 888-356-5575




© 2024 by ONE - Online Nutrition Education Powered by Nutrition Matters

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